• Marco Pierre White Increases Plant-Based Dishes Across Restaurants

- chef introduces revolutionary Redefine Meat to menu -

Famed chef Marco Pierre White is introducing a selection of plant-based dishes to the menus of his UK-based restaurants.

The new dishes will include plant-based meat from food pioneering firm Redefine Meat and means the 40-strong restaurant estate is the first in the country to offer this revolutionary new produce.

The increase in the number of plant-based dishes comes as more and more guests turn to a plant-based diet, and with big name stars such as Sir Lewis Hamilton having turned vegan, the lifestyle choice is becoming increasingly popular.

Helping cut obesity, blood pressure and lowering the levels of type 2 diabetes, many also switch for health reasons and use ‘Veganuary’ as the starting point for their new diet

The no-nonsense chef and famed restaurateur now hopes guests will enjoy the new dishes that sit alongside regular favourites.

Commenting on the availability of the new dishes Marco said: “There is a place for all types of menus and the increase in plant-based dishes reflects what more and more customers now want.

“The world needs to eat less meat, but the reality is that until now plant-based meat products have fallen way short in terms of the quality and versatility required for our menus. Redefine Meat’s products expands the plant-based industry beyond minced meat products to whole muscle cuts while giving you all the sustainability and health benefits of plant-based without the compromise on taste and texture.”

“In the past, there was definitely a stereotype of people who were vegan but with more millennials and younger people switching to the diet, that has now completely gone.

“I went on a vegan diet once and although I’m back on what I’d call a more balanced diet, I certainly lost a lot of weight.”

While the number of vegan dishes is increasing, the gastronomic giant is keen to point out that it won’t compromise the rest of his menus, which will cater for all tastes and diets.

Marco added: “I learnt a lot when I was on the vegan diet and gave me a good insight into what makes a good vegan recipe. You can’t expect to get away with offering a vegetable lasagne or vegetarian moussaka as an after-thought.

“What we’ve done is develop recipes and combinations that not only appeal but cater for those who now enjoy a vegan diet.

“I’m in the business of feeding people and feeding them well in a nice environment with excellent service and that is what I think we’ve achieved with the new range of plant-based dishes.”

For further information, please visit https://www.mpwrestaurants.co.uk/

Marco Pierre White Increases Plant-Based Dishes Across Restaurants
Marco Pierre White Increases Plant-Based Dishes Across Restaurants

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